About us

Love is the driving force behind all true relations.

The power, the Spirt of God shine within us and this love connects everyone in our family, friends circle and these relationships never end. The simple fact is that our life comes from God and our God is the God of the living and the dead; death means a departure from this world after we completed the tasks assigned to us by our Lord Jesus Christ for this world for the glory of God.

When we fail to complete these tasks with God’s love before our departure from this world, the soul fails to enter into the kingdom of God. Being brothers and sisters of these souls, we have a duty to help these souls to reach the presence of God to see His face and worship him. These holy souls turn to become the angels to intercedes for us to complete our mission on earth in God’s love.

This website is aimed to inspire us to carry out this duty throughout our life; saving the souls from purgatory with our little help. Christian duty to show our gratitude to love and serve everyone, especially our dear ones and those who have left us with the hope of seeing God face to face

God bless you all in this journey.

Soy Joseph